
Showing posts from November, 2021

Strength TogetHER 16 - Session 3

27th November 2021. Strength togetHER facilitated by Lokopakar provides a safe platform for girls to share their personal stories, ideas, and feelings. Our third session of Strength TogetHER in Mahendra Bhawan School, Sano Gaucharan with the collaboration of Ward no. 5 was on the topic “My first-period story”. Girls were asked to recall their memories of their first period and how they felt during that time. We started our session with full enthusiasm and a room filled with good energy. With the hand raised to tell the story first our first participant started her first-period story. She mentioned that she was in her house wearing makeup-clicking pictures. Then she suddenly felt the urge to go to the toilet and she found out she was on her period. She really felt shy when she found out she was having her period. Another participant raised her hand tall, to share her story. It was the time of Dashain and she was in her maternal uncle's home for the festive. She suddenly saw blood an

Strength TogetHER 16- Session 1 & Session 2

20 November 2021. Strength togetHER facilitated by Lokopakar provides a safe platform for girls to share their personal stories, ideas, and feelings. The first physical session of Strength TogetHER after 2 years of running virtually was conducted in Mahendra Bhawan School, Sano Gaucharan with the collaboration of Ward no. 5. With the excitement of physical sessions and girls from Grade 7-10 at  Mahendra Bhawan School, we started our session with silence among girls. There were 20+ girls participants of different ages.  We started with an introductory session. With awkward smiles, small voices, shyness in their eyes our girls gave their introduction. We not only gave an introduction but also mentioned our favorite color and why it has been our favorite. “Blue is my favorite color because the sky is really beautiful, Green is my favorite because I like nature, I have always loved black as it makes me feel really comfortable, Purple is my favorite color and there is no specific reason to