Strength TogetHER 16- Session 1 & Session 2

20 November 2021.

Strength togetHER facilitated by Lokopakar provides a safe platform for girls to share their personal stories, ideas, and feelings. The first physical session of Strength TogetHER after 2 years of running virtually was conducted in Mahendra Bhawan School, Sano Gaucharan with the collaboration of Ward no. 5.

With the excitement of physical sessions and girls from Grade 7-10 at  Mahendra Bhawan School, we started our session with silence among girls. There were 20+ girls participants of different ages. 

We started with an introductory session. With awkward smiles, small voices, shyness in their eyes our girls gave their introduction. We not only gave an introduction but also mentioned our favorite color and why it has been our favorite. “Blue is my favorite color because the sky is really beautiful, Green is my favorite because I like nature, I have always loved black as it makes me feel really comfortable, Purple is my favorite color and there is no specific reason to it” these were some of the replies our girls gave in their introduction. With the introduction and getting to know everyone, girls realized we will be together for more sessions which let them go of shyness and fear they had earlier in the session up to some extent.

We move forward by asking their expectation and the topics they would really love to discuss. Up till now, there was a bit of openness among the girls. I could still see the nervousness and shyness in their eyes.

Expectations from them to us was;

  • To help them become more comfortable and open

  • To build confidence in themselves

  • To have a better relationship with their parents

  • To feel comfortable to share their feelings.

  • To be able to share their problems.

Topics they were interested in were:

  • Body insecurities or Body Positivity

  • Menstruation Stories

  • Online bullying/Harassment

  • Relationship with parents

  • Bad touch and good touch

  • Family Problem

  • Judgments

  • Gender Stereotyping

  • Harassment

While sharing these points our girls really got emotional. These topics were really personal to them and really wanted to be shared. We could see a number of girls crying their hearts out and still brave enough to share the topics. We gave a huge round of applause and made sure they felt homely. We all had teary eyes especially Team Lokopakar,  regardless of starting with shyness and nervousness we were proud to provide them with a safe space to share their emotion. We are really proud of them for letting out their feelings.

With this sharing, we were more connected and the level of shyness, nervousness was converted into excitement for what was to come later.

We came to the conclusion of the first session. We had a 10 min break to get fresh air and roam around in the beautiful school we were taking the session.

We started with our first topic “ SMALL THINGS THAT MAKES ME HAPPY”

“It’s the little things in life.”  

With this quotation, we started our session full of energy and comfortableness. 

I aimed at providing a warm place to the girls by sharing her side of stories in the beginning, so others could feel comfortable sharing their side of stories.

We focused on the small happiness which we found in small things. The participants were really happy to share their small happiness which mattered to them.

  • One participant said spending quality time with her family watching movies, going out shopping makes her happy.

  • Another participant mentioned how she felt happy when it's the perfect weather to go out with friends as planned. We usually take the weather for granted but this is one of the major things which make us really happy.

  • Sometimes happiness is not only found in humans, so one of the participants talked about playing with her 5 dogs which really makes her happy.

  • When her bhai says “Didi” it really feels warm and her heart explodes with happiness.

  • Another participant becomes happy when she can watch the rain and just chill inside her house.

  • One of our participants likes it when she goes to the village and her friends and makes her feel homely.

  • Another participant feels happy when the weather is dark and cloudy.

  • One of our participants mentioned how she really feels happy when her parents compliment how she looks.

  • Our next participant feels happy when she enjoys time with her friends and mostly when the vibes are matched.

We were really happy to see all the girls celebrating and sharing their moments of small happiness. Small things make us happy because it’s the small things in life that matter the most to us. A random act makes us happy, a smile on our parents, being with friends and family, at any period of time that it did. We should be grateful for what we have and celebrate the small happiness around us.

Don’t wait for special moments, make every moment special.  

We concluded our first session with the comforts and sharing a lot of emotions. With a huge smile and a lot of group photos, we ended our first and second sessions. We will continue with this sharing with our third session on "Our First period stories."

Strength TogetHER gives girls the opportunity to share their stories with each other and get strength from each other. We motivate each other to take action and help to build confidence within ourselves.

Written by - Barsha Tamang (Lokopakar)


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