Strength TogetHER 16 - Session 5

18th December 2021.

"The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand, we listen to replies."

Lokopakar is a youth-based organization currently running four projects among which Strength togetHER is one of its projects where a group of girls from different backgrounds meet and share their stories, insecurities, ideas, and perspective and help each other grow. In each session, a moderator is provided who listens, appreciates, and guides the participants.

As we have started running our sessions in physical presence, the sessions are being more lively and effective for the participants. On 18th December, we conducted our fifth session on the premises of Mahendra Bhawan School on the topic" Understanding Each Other." Our participants were 6 to 8 graders girls. 

We started the session by asking the participants if a misunderstanding has occurred with them, if yes what. First hilarious stories of misunderstanding with strangers came, they shared how they found themselves in an awkward situation by simple carelessness. Then we shared how misunderstanding occurs with our parents regarding the time we give to studies and the time we spend with our friends. We discussed that there will be no room for such misunderstanding if we explain in detail and maintain transparency. 

Then we did a fun activity. Participants were asked to sit in a pair with a pen and copy facing the opposite of each other. One of the members had to instruct while the other had to draw accordingly. At last, all the teams were asked to show the drawings to their respective partners and analyze how the communication between the two went. This activity helped the participants understand that misunderstanding occurs when communication is weak. They shared why they could not draw exactly as instructed by their partners. Participants answered that listening, understanding, honesty, similar interests, and being non-judgemental make the communication effective.

Then we summarized how we can communicate effectively and avoid misunderstanding in the following points:

  • Talking and listening to others properly.
  • Respecting others' opinions.
  • Being specific.
  • Taking self-initiation rather than waiting for the other person.

We ended our one hour-long session taking pictures and bid goodbye hoping to meet this upcoming Saturday. 


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